Bhavana, who lost her grip in Tamil for a few offers in Telugu, is now trying very hard to find her comeback vehicle to Kollywood. Her last release in Tamil was Jayam Kondan. After that she shifted her focus to Telugu and completely avoided Tamil offers. Tamil producers and film makers too begun to forget her.
Now, the actress seems to have realized the shades of Tollywood and wants a re entry to Tamil. According to sources, director Saran, who is busy with his ongoing project Asal with Ajith, has offered the second heroine role to Bhavana in the film.
But the script needs something peppy and sexy looks from the actress. Surprisingly, Bhavana, the actress known for her family roles, has accepted to do the sexy role in Asal.
However she is yet to sign up the film and the real problem is her demand for a whooping salary to wear hot costumes in Asal.